

This is your body and your choice no one should pressure you into any decision.

End the pregnancy (abortion)-

This is best done as early as possible. Please make contact as soon as possible if you choose to have an abortion.

Continue with the pregnancy-

You may want to continue with the pregnancy and become a parent, adopt, foster or Whangai. To read more on adoption, Whangai or fostering please visit Adoption | Oranga Tamariki — Ministry for Children


Pregnant and unsure?

We can help you. We can provide first and second trimester pregnancy care and order all the necessary tests and ultrasounds. If you decide to have an abortion we will assist you with this. If you choose to continue with the pregnancy we can help find you a midwife. 

Early Abortion
Early Medical Abortion

What is a Early Medical Abortion?

A early medical abortion can be done up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. The process is similar to having a natural miscarriage and most woman consider this to be a more gentle approach when compared with a surgical abortion.

This process involves taking two different types of pills. An early medical abortion can be done from the comfort of your own home and is a safe way to end a pregnancy

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Abortion Counselling

Optional Counselling

Some people really struggle with making a decision. Seeking support from your partner, family or friends may be helpful. You can also access free counselling to discuss your feelings and options related to an unplanned pregnancy. The women’s health hub can help inform you of all your options, so that you can make an informed decision

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